
Why is consumer involvement important? 

There has been growing interest for the broader involvement of people with lived experience of a health condition in health research, not only as research participants. Consumers are people with lived experience of a health condition, and are therefore the end-users of healthcare research. The lived experience may be as a patient, a family member or a carer.


There are many benefits to greater consumer engagement in research including; 

  • Improved quality and outcomes 
  • More effective research translation 
  • Improved public confidence in research 

MEMOIR Consumer Panel 

The MEMOIR Consumer Panel provides the expertise of people with, or recovered from, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and members of the general community. The consumer panel liaises with the MEMOIR study team regarding many aspects of the trial including development and conduct, participant benefit and community engagement. 

Jennifer McBride

Jennifer McBride


Colleen Stevens

Colleen Stevens


Leanne Zarb Negus

Leanne Zarb Negus


Nancy Belz

Nancy Belz
